July Activities Blog

Happy Birthday America! It’s time to pause and celebrate with our country’s biggest event of the year and even though 2020 is a year of confusion as to how to celebrate, we can still participate and be safe–wear a mask, social distance and do not have large gatherings.

July is of course all about the Fourth but it also begins the Dog Days of Summer. No, we do not turn the dogs loose but this is the time of the year we can expect hot weather to really kick in and everyone will welcome the current social distancing rules! Stay cool is the rule.

Other special events to consider in July, yes, they all involve food, include National Blueberry month, National Hot Dog month, National Ice Cream month and a real favorite, National Picnic month. Hart Ranch is the best place to celebrate all of the special food days – we do have everything here for you to enjoy at your own site! Between Hart Mart and Spring Creek Grille – we will serve all of the National Food selections!

On July 10, celebrate Teddy Bear Picnic Day. I hope everyone holds a picnic with their teddy bear at their site and sends photos for our Facebook page.

Wacky days are my favorites: July 16 is World Snake Day – we invite everyone to watch the rattlesnake parade (not really) and July 17 is Yellow Pig Day! I am going to give an award to everyone bringing their pet yellow pigs to the Family Service Counter window on July 17 for me to see and photograph for Facebook! And a wacky day I just love each year is July 27 when it is — take your houseplants for a walk day! Really that is a day!

We have put together some really fun activity packets at the Hart Ranch this summer and invite kids to pick up our favorite project of making friendship bracelets. This is something you can do and share with friends or family, wear yourself, learn how to do one basic one and expand to harder designs. 

Again, from all of us at the Hart Ranch Activities Department, have a safe and fun July – and if you want to contact me j.eick@hrresort.org is how to find me.